Your Pet Dog Will Be More Active, Healthier And Happier On A Purely Natural Uncooked Dog Food Diet. - Sports

Your dog will be more energetic, healthier and happier on a natural raw dog food diet. Natural raw food diets result in less health issues for dogs contrasted with their canine brothers and sisters who are fed commercially prepared dog food. You will need to keep in mind a number of important aspects to insure that you are in fact providing your dog with a healthy diet once you decide to go natural with a raw dog food diet.First, when buying raw food for dogs, make sure the food is human grade food or fit for human consumption. Quality matters and you want the best. The quality of the food you pick is central to success with the raw food approach to dog nutrition.The vegetables and fruits you buy should be organic. You want to avoid growth enhancers, pesticides or insecticides in your dogs food. The result is a diet that is both natural and healthy for your dog.When your dog eats foods with trace amounts of pesticides and the like, these accumulate in their systems and can lead to negative health issues. Even if you wash the fruit and vegetables, pesticides and chemicals are not completely removed from the product.Be sure you purchase your meat from a reliable butcher who takes his product from a farm which does not use growth stimulants for their livestock. Like fruits and vegetables that are not grown in an organic manner, meats with growth stimulants are not an ideal raw food for dogs. These stimulants can give your dog health problems or create unnatural growth in your dog.Make sure you have adequate storage space when buying food for your dog in bulk. Keep in mind that different foods have varying shelf lives. While meats can be frozen for up to half a year in some cases, most vegetables and fresh fruits have only a week or so before they spoil.When vegetables are in season, cheap and plentiful you may want to combine them into a slosh and bulk freeze serving size portions for later use.When feeding puppies, keep in mind that they will n eed a higher percentage of protein in their diet compared to fully grown dogs because they're at a critical growth stage. During their first three months, puppies should be fed four times a day. Afterwards you can switch to fewer feedings.Older dogs don't require the same level of protein as do puppies, unless they are very active in which case a higher protein ration may be required. It may take some practice, but it is important to understand your dogs needs and keep these all in mind when grocery shopping for them.A good resource for more information on how to provide your dog a healthy raw dog food diet is the ebook, "Going Rawr." Dog Lovers Compendium.' It's author, Maggie Rhines, shows you exactly how to choose raw food for dogs as well as proper methods of storage and preparation.It's an excellent resource for anyone starting out on a raw dog food program for their dogs or just interested in know more about the whys and hows of this type of diet. It provides a lot of helpful tips as well as some excellent raw dog food recipes.


