Homemade healthy dog food: feed your love to your canine - Non-Profit

Homemade healthy dog food if made with the proper set of resources can be the best food for your favorite canine.

It's not tough to find raw food diet information, you just need to log on a raw dog food website, and you would come to know what all is best for your dog. You would be told breed specific food for your favorite canine and you would also told what all should not be fed to you dog to ensure a better health.

But you might ask why at all should you go for raw food when you have so many varieties of packaged food available in the market. If you ask such a question then its not your fault, its just the excellent advertising techniques employed by the dog food manufacturers which has led you to believe that whatever they sell is the best and is all what your dog needs.

The companies spend a lot of time and money in these marketing gimmicks the result of which are the bright and colorful food packets which you find at the nearby grocery store. The packets would be loaded with photos of big smiling dogs, with some reviews of some happy and satisfied customers.

Before falling in for the marketing tactics, you might want to know these facts;

1. The company manufactured dog food is prepared with the cook first and the pack technique. This technique reduces all the nutrients in the food to almost zero. The purpose of such a food is to just fill the tummy of your dog so that he/she doesn't cry. The food does not do any good to your dog's health. So don't expect a stronger dog if you are feeding him or her such food.

2. The canned or packaged food contains a high amount of wheat and grain products. Such contents leads to symptoms like itchy skin, hot spots, bad breath etc as a lot of dogs are allergic to these contents. The wheat and grain products are used as fillers and are also present in a large quantity. Homemade healthy dog food helps you there as you can take care of what all you can add taking into account his/her allergies.

3. The last but not the only reason is the use of preservatives. All of us know in what ways preservatives affect our health. The case with the dogs is pretty much similar. The company manufacturers do not refrain from adding preservatives. So this is strong reason why you should not go for these foods.

The list of reasons does not end there. You should hence go for homemade healthy food for dog, which you can prepare like raw dog food. The make raw dog food at your places, you would need some raw dog food resources which can be found available at almost any nearby grocery store or butcher shop.

For a better health the dog food should contain pork, lamb, fish, eggs etc. There are a lot of benefits of homemade healthy dog food like you would notice that your dog would have a better stamina, nice breath, brighter coat etc.


