Green Lipped Mussel Dog Food Make Your Pet's Food Healthier and Create Your own - Health - Nutrition

Nutrition is essential to any pets diet. Unfortunately, most dog foodis made out of poor quality meat. That is why it is important to add natural food supplements like the powder of the Green Lipped Mussel to dog food.

I always tried to sneak the large vitamin pills to my Boxer by stuffing it in a piece of hotdog, but he would always seem to be able to separate the pill from the food and leave it in the center of his dish after he licked it clean.

I like the powder form of the green lipped mussel supplements because I can mix it into his food, and there was no way he can separate it from his food. It is his food because it contains most of what he needs nutritionally, especially when compared to his low quality meat dog food. And he absolutely loves it.

Though he is young now, I know that one day, like all dogs, like all men, he will begin to feel aches in his bones. But I can push off that day because of the anti-inflammatory properties of the green lipped mussel nutrition.

I feed him the mussel supplement everyday, and I know that my he has everything that he needs, on a molecular level, to control the inflammation in his joints. He will be protected from everyday damage and serious injury because of the intense concentration of proteins, lipids, and complex carbohydrates contained in the green lipped mussels. The health benefits are endless. The mussel improve respiratory and immune function, nervous and circulatory function. They contains antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Green lipped mussels are great for older dogs. They are used to treat serious disease such as osteoarthritis, asthma, and epilepsy. It can be disheartening to watch your dog get older, but it is inevitable because of their shorter life spans. You should extend not only the years of life of your dogs, but the years that it can run around, and climb stairs and go hiking and fishing and playing with you. You should extend the amount of years that he can be happy. It is the least that we can do for a pet that gives us unconditional loyalty.

So get on the internet, buy some green lipped mussel powdered supplement, and mix it into his dog food. While you're at it, mix some into your own food, because green lipped mussels are just as effective for humans as they are for dogs. If you're a cat lover, you can extend his life and happiness too.


