The 10 Places You Are Guaranteed to Meet Men - Relationships - Singles

It's not always easy to meet men, especially if you are looking out for your Mr Right, but here is a list of the best places where you are most likely to cross paths with that prospective boyfriend or husband.

One - Eat out somewhere

A lot of single men are too busy to cook at home, so you'll find them in cafes or restaurants after work. For the best chance of meeting a new guy, try a new place once a week - and remember to stay within a set budget as eating out is sometimes not very economical. You certainly don't want to break the bank while looking out for Mr Right!

Two - Walk a dog

Walking a dog is a great way to meet people, so hit the park and take your pooch for a long walk and see who you meet. The dog will love you for it! If you don't have a pet, borrow a friend's and enjoy being in the fresh air getting some exercise. Remember that dog-owning men are more likely to talk to women with dogs.

Three - Join a gym

You may not relish the idea of pumping iron or pounding a treadmill, but many men love to go to the gym, so for that reason alone you should join one. Men tend to look great when they exercise - that's another bonus!

Four - Visit the car wash

These are frequented by lots of men. Men tend to love their four wheels, so although it's not the most interesting of locations, there might be a cute guy or two washing down their motor.

Five - Become a technology lover

Have you ever noticed that it's mostly men crowding around the latest computer, game, phone or piece of technology that hits the shops? Well, most men love electronics and new technology, so take a leaf out of their book and start to take an interest.

Six - Take up a sport

Whether it's golf, badminton or tennis, there are lots of sports clubs you could join, all with the potential to meet men. Golf and tennis clubs are always full of people socialising after a hard game on the course or court.

Seven - Pick up a book

Bookstores, especially those with a caf, are great places to browse for the latest bestseller and a new man. If you happen to spot him in the same aisle as you, it's likely you will also have something in common too. And, of course, reading broadens the mind.

Eight - Become a culture vulture

Learning about new things is good in itself and visiting museums and art galleries is also a great way to meet new guys. On top of that, you are likely to meet cultured and knowledgeable men. Remember to pick a museum you are interested in visiting otherwise you risk walking around the displays looking very bored - definitely not the look you want to have when trying to attract men.

Nine - Become interested in Do It Yourself

Men love to fix things, build things, take things to pieces and then reassemble them again. That's why visiting any sort of building supplies warehouse or store is a great place to meet men. Ask a cute guy which type of nails you should buy and he will be happy to help.

Ten - Planes, trains and automobiles...

Men love cars and boats and planes and bikes and seems to be in their blood. There are lots of car and boat shows to visit which are always packed to capacity with men drooling over the latest model of sports car or speedboat. Find a guy who makes you drool and strike up a conversation.

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