Dog Food Secrets by Andrew Lewis And SitStayFetch By Daniel Stevens Reviews - Other

For a dog lover, keeping a canine friend for a long time is of the essence and if you're one, I have no doubt that you would do absolutely everything that you can to make sure that this happens. Nutrition is one of the most important factors involved in prolonging a dog's life and the good news is, you have complete control over it. This is why you should think twice about serving your dog just any food especially processed ones without you yourself getting better educated at what goes into those kinds of food. You owe it to your dog because it heavily relies on you for its sustenance just as much as you rely on it for its loyalty and companionship.

Dog Food Secrets by Andrew Lewis is a no holds barred revelation of the "dog food conspiracy" that has kept many of us in the dark about how companies, especially big ones, make big profit out of selling dog food that not only have zero nutritional value but is actually killing our dogs. Among the many ingredients of their products are decaying carcasses of animal that does indeed include dogs, road kill, plastic and other poisonous substances. The book details how all these are stuffed into the product. Needless to say, I strongly suggest you get a copy of the book. I know I just threw in pretty bold words there so you have to read to believe.

Continually feeding your dog these toxic dog food can cause weak or deformed bones, chronic skin and ear infections, chronic flea and worm infestations, an impaired ability to heal from wounds, kidney failure, liver failure, immune system collapse, epilepsy, cancer and even behavioral alterations like aggression that makes dog unsafe around children. And these are even just a few of the effects. On a side note, in the case of aggression, if you know you've been feeding your dog human-grade food, training them should tame this behavior down. Secrets to Dog Training (SitStayFetch) by Daniel Stevens is a good reference for dog training.

Getting back on track, the good news is you can identify or separate the bad dog foods from the good ones through a trick called "reading labels". Dog food or treats that have "animal sources" as one of its ingredient should give you an idea that, technically, it can put any kind of animal in there. There are those that name their animal sources like "chicken" or "beef" and, yes, they will be legally bound to put only byproducts that come from these animals. It has to be stressed, however, that this doesn't exempt subpar meat or even diseased ones or carcasses, unusual organs and dung from being into the mix just as long as the said yields come from the specified animal. So to make sure your dog doesn't fall prey into eating this or you into buying it, check for brands that have "human grade ingredients" in their labels. This is just an example of how you can read and uncover label codes used by dog food companies. To learn more tricks on how to read dog food labels, check out Dog Food Secrets Review at

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