Healthiest Dog Food - Home

Home-made dog food is definitely the healthiest food for pet dogs. As, we can be sure of the quality of the ingredients that we put in and the nutrition content in the food. Dog owners are now realizing the truths about packaged and processed dog food available in the market. They are not beneficial for our dogs and can in fact be bad for their health as they contain low quality ingredients, preservatives and synthetic flavours. There are other specific things you should know about packaged dog meals. It is common knowledge that dog food manufacturers use preservatives to preserve the packaged food, but what most people do not know is the harmful effect of those preservatives. Ethosyquin is a commonly used preservative which can cause cancer and manufacturers very cleverly avoid mentioning this preservative on their lable. Another harmful chemical which is added is Propylene Glycol which is used for binding purposes. It is banned in cat food as it causes cancer in them. Bu t surprisingly, addition of this chemical in dog food is still legal. So, as a caring dog owner you must comprehend all these facts about packaged dog meals and start making efforts to ensure that your pet gets the best and healthiest food and this can be ensured by making the dog's food yourself at home. One important thing that should be kept in mind is the proportions of different nutrients you are feeding to your dog. This has to be properly decided as a dog needs all nutrients, each in a particular quantity. You can also feed him fresh vegetables and fruits along with meat and carbohydrates. But not all fruits and vegetables are good for a dog's health, some might even prove to be harmful, such as, avocado and grapes. Also, coffee, cocoa and yeast are some of the things that you shoudn't feed to your dog. So, what you need to do before you start making home-made dog meals is that you need to research a little about the good and bad ingredients to put in a dog's meal. Fo r this purpose, you can search for resources on the internet. Many healthy recipes and information about dog food can easily be found. This way you can creat a perfect diet for your dog and keep him healthy, growing and happy. Making healthy home-cooked food for your dog keeps him away from bad quality ingredients and chemicals used in packaged dog meals and thus, eliminates any chances of allergies and illness and ensures your pet's well-being.

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