Caring For Your Beloved Aging Pet - Older Dog Health Problems - Family - Pets

Older dog health problems tend to crop up as canines age. Depending on their size, breed and activity level, dogs will show signs of health problems differently, since all canines are unique.

An older dog will tend to slow down and take longer to lie down or stand up, unlike a small puppy that has an infinite supply of energy. One of the major older dog health problems is arthritis: swelling of the joints causing aches and soreness, which is usually the cause of this slowing down.

A unique connection exists with the dog that has loved you unconditionally for many years. A detailed veterinary assessment is suggested for older dogs at least twice a year. Dogs can show signs of aging as early as seven years old.

Even if older animals have arthritis, exercise is still important. It is important to keep teeth clean and check for gum disease. Keep in mind that both liver and kidney function decrease as your animal ages.

An older dog will have trouble with its eyes as it develops cataracts and even glaucoma. The whole circulatory system and several of the main organs are taxed in older dogs.

Severe health problems may build up in your senior dog as some of the symptoms develop slowly. You can assist in easing a lot of the symptoms and keep your pet contented when it inevitably develops health problems.

The most common problem seen in older dogs and even cats is obesity. There are two ways to control obesity in your pet: give it only the amount of food its body needs or feed it bulky foods that are less caloric.

Here are some things you can do to prevent older dog health problems related to obesity:

* Have a blood work and a physical examination done to rule out medical causes for obesity

* Choose a diet low in calories but high in fiber. You can cook for your pet as well.

* Feed your pet several small meals instead of a single large one or food throughout the day

* Alternate small meals of your pet's favorite food with meals of less caloric items such as cooked cabbage, carrots, string beans and peas

* You can continue feeding your dog on its current diet if you cut the portions by one-third

* Become a member of a dog association, fence your backyard, baby-sit a younger pet, and take walks so your canine can get more exercise

* Put your pet on a good multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement

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