Dog health problems, symptoms that can help identify rabies - Family - Pets

Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain in dogs. It is one of the most common dog diseases. If you think your dog may have health problems, i have listed below the ones that are related to rabies. These are the symptoms to look out for when you think your dog may have rabies. There you go: Dog health problems, symptoms related to rabies

1. Change in behaviourUsually the first thing to pay attention to when suspecting a case of rabies is probably the change in behaviour. Your dog may become easily excitable, somewhat nervous and restless. This condition may subside, to reappear within a short time. There are cases where a dog that was friendly all of a sudden becomes irritable and snappy while a dog that was not that much amiable may become friendly.

Days later the dog may have a tendency to wander, sometimes he may not be found around for a day or two. After he returns you may noticed that he has considerably lost weight. The dog will then develop preference for dark corners and hidden areas. It may also happen sometimes that there is a change in the way the dog barks, a tone change in the barking.

2. Partial paralysisLater you may notice that your dog is partially paralyzed, he staggers, he is also finding it difficult to drink water, even though he puts in much effort. The staggering will continue until complete paralysis sets in and finally your dog dies.

3. Dog snapingIn the worst case, the dog becomes aggressive, he will snap at every object placed before him, he may even attack other dogs. When placed inside a cage the dog will aggressively attack the bars that he may end up breaking some of his teeth.

Note that many dogs affected with rabies do not necessarily show the symptoms listed above. The symptoms may be more or less masked and perhaps be manifested eventually only by paralysis.

In a case called "dumb form of rabies" the outsiding features are the paralytic symptoms. The dog may not be vicious, he is not even excitable and has not tendency to roam. One outstanding feature of the "dumb form of rabies" is the paralysis of the lower jaw, it is also called "dropped jaw". The dog's jaws remains open, he has lost the power to close his own jaw even though they can be closed with human hand. In case you see your dog's jaw has dropped, do not try to close them yourself, that may lead to an infection through your hands, note that rabies is contagious and can be transmitted from dog to human.

These are the symptoms to look out for when your dog may seem to have rabies. Don't forget to seek medical attention when needed.

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