The Original Littlest Pet Shop Characters - Family - Pets

If you have little kids, you realize that the Littlest Pet Shop provides a group of toys sold by Hasbro that has become an animated television show which is popular with the kids. The show is basically about the experiences of a group of miniature animals which hang out in a pet shop. The stars of the show have a tree house located in the pet store. The little characters have been on a wide variety of entertaining adventures which occasionally include a cast of other miniature animals.Toys

The toys are provided with magnets on one of the front paws. The Little Pet Shop toys were popular toys sold by Kenner, who also designed some of the toys based on the animals in the television show. In 2005, the toy designer made some changes to the designs of the characters and switched to Hasbro.

If your kids are interested in the original toys, they have a wide variety of characters to choose from. Happy Puppy is a Dalmatian that is provided with a pet carrier and a food bowl. The kids will enjoy the magnetized brush that can make the dog's tail wiggle when the brush is move in front of the dog's stomach. The Toucan is provided with a cage and a perch as well as a food dish. The bird's wings were designed to move by a touch to the head. Bunny is a cute character that was designed so when the child presses on the tail the bunny's ears move.

The other original Littlest Pet Shop characters also include gerbils, a trio of puppies, fish, turtles, monkeys, mice, and families of animals, chattering pets and other delightful characters. They also branched out into a line of toys in the little pet shop zoo with a wide variety of animals and a zoo play set.Virtual Interactive Pets

They also offer the Littlest Pet Shop VIP's which stands for Virtual Interactive Pets (sometimes also known as Very Important Pets). Kids have the opportunity to watch the interactive pets on the internet and watch them in their online world. If a child has one of the VIP toys, they can use the secret code that is placed in the collar of the animal to have access to the virtual world online. If your child is a fan of the Littlest Pet Shop characters, there are toys available that your child will find to be enjoyable.

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