Dog owners will be aware of the fact that dogs come in all shapes and sizes and as man's best friend, it is important that we treat them in the way that they deserve. Just as humans are more prone to illnesses and infections when they are not eating the correct diet, so are dogs. Making sure that dogs gain the correct nutrients, without too much unwanted fat and energy, is just as important as humans making sure that the food they eat meets their body's nutritional needs.
The main source of energy and nutrition that dogs have is the dog food that their owners buy them. As a result of this, choosing the correct pet food for the dog in question is crucial. In the same way that choosing the cheapest food from the supermarket shelf is unlikely to give people all of the nutrients that they need, cheap dog food is also unlikely to hold all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that a dog needs to stay happy and healthy. Another reason that this type of dog food may not be as suitable for every dog is because each dog is unique and their size, breed and age should be taken into account when choosing the correct food.
For similar reasons, human food and scraps from the table are often unhealthy for dogs to be eating. This is because human foods tend to have a higher fat content in them and can be difficult for dogs to digest. Some human foods can also be harmful for dogs and cause serious health implications. These foods include: Chocolate, which can cause sickness and even death; Onions, which can cause anaemia; Garlic, which can also cause anaemia; Mushrooms, as some varieties can cause death; Grapes/Raisins, which can cause sickness, diarrhea and abdominal pains; Nuts, which can cause bladder problems; Baby food, which can contain onion; and cat food, which tends to be too high in fat and protein for dogs.
Some dogs also suffer from other health problems. In these cases, just as a human can alter its diet to help improve certain health conditions, changing a dog's diet to suit their altered nutritional needs can also be worthwhile. In these cases there are a wide range of prescription dog foods available on the market that caters for specific health conditions in dogs which includes Royal Canin. These include specifically tailored dog food for: ageing; digestive health; bladder stones; heart health; dental health; joint care; diabetes; kidney problems; liver problems; and skin conditions. These foods contain the specific extra nutrients that dogs will need to return to and maintain good health and wellbeing.
One well known brand of dog food that provides a variety of different food for different canine health conditions is Hills. Hill's Prescription Diet contains both dry and canned food, and has been specially formulated to provide the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals for different canine medical conditions, including mobility issues, intestinal conditions, skin conditions and urinary problems.
Hill's Prescription Diet is available, alongside a range of other pet supplies, from UK-based, online vet pharmacy. These foods will help to ensure that your pet maintains a good standard of wellbeing.
It is critical that dogs receive a healthy, balanced diet, in order for them to maintain optimal health. Choosing the correct dog food is especially crucial for dogs with other health considerations and there are a range of tailored dog foods on the market, for instance Hill's Prescription Diet, to cater for such dogs' needs.
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