Raw Dog Food Diet - Family - Pets

More and more dog owners are switching their four legged friends to raw dog food diets because they offer a number of different benefits. Dogs that are on a raw dog food diet often have cleaner teeth, healthier skin and coats, more energy and even smaller stools. While there are some people who find the diet controversial, it's important to give a dog the right foods when making the switch.

The raw dog food diet should be a healthy balance between protein, fiber and carbohydrates. Starting a dog on this diet earlier on can help reduce any adjustment periods that their digestive tract needs to go through. It's also important to make sure that the bones and such won't cause choking, break teeth or cause internal damage due to puncturing anything vital.

There are good bones to give dogs and bad bones. Any bone that will easily splinter or are very sharp should be avoided. Examples of these include bones from pork chops and some steaks. If you don't want to waste the bone, file it down a little so there are no sharp edges or take it to the butcher to grind into a meal for you.

Ham bones are great because there is a lot of muscle meat still on the bone that they can chew off before even getting to the bone. These can be saved after cooking a ham or purchased directly from any meat market. Any muscle meat will help the dog get their protein with a raw dog food diet and help with the shinier coats.

Organ meats can be cut up as small as your dog likes. This includes chicken livers, beef kidneys and much more. They are very high in riboflavin and iron - essential vitamins and nutrients that your dog needs to survive.

You can also employ various dog food recipes to keep things unique for your dog. Raw eggs, apples and other fruit and even green vegetables can make their way into your dog's food dish. Being creative will help your dog adjust to the raw dog food diet much quicker and they will feel like they're getting a special treat.

Since the diet has gained in popularity, more people are releasing dog food recipes to help dog owners around the world establish what combinations work well. For example, you can cut up chicken liver, brussel sprouts and carrots and then add in some of the chicken skin and the bone meal for a wonderful dish for your canine.

As you cook meals for you and your own family, think twice about anything you discard. The bones that you would ordinarily toss can be ground up. The skin can be cut into smaller pieces and even the kidneys and other meats that you usually avoid are all prime things that your dog can have.

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