Dog Weak Bladder Syndrome ? The Gift That Keeps On Giving - Family - Pets

You haven't lived until you have had the pleasure of living with a pet that has dog weak bladder syndrome. Dog weak bladder syndrome is an obscure term describing deteriorating bladder function.

Some pet parents will first notice dog weak bladder syndrome when the pungent aroma of urine starts to propagate their beloved canine companions sleeping area, while others may find dribbles of urine scattered about in other areas of their home.

These examples may be compounded if you have an aging dog with arthritis who is not willing to endure the pain of arthritis for the sack of expected urination habits.

Another concern that may contribute to dog weak bladder syndrome is a thickening of the bladder wall caused by failure to fully empty the bladder. Over time the muscle fibers in the bladder wall thicken and grow shorter from trying to cope with the pressure of constantly needing to urinate.

Other causes, or contributing factors, for dog weak bladder syndrome include old age, obesity, bacterial infection of the urinary tract, diabetes, liver disease, stones in the urinary tract, tumors in the urinary tract, and kidney or liver disease.

But when we get right down to it chances are your dogs bladder has weakened, and will continue to weaken further without intervention, due to a myriad of life challenges over the years combined with regular use.

Sounds Hopeless - Are There Any Good Solutions?

Some pet parent may find their solution in the form of doggy diapers and plastic linings while others may choose to take a proactive action in an attempt to reverse the symptoms. It most cases the best answer is likely a combination of both.

Additionally, before you go gung-ho it might be a good idea to make plans to let your veterinarian confirm your suspicions. Once confirmed there are three simple steps you can take at home to put your dog on the path to bladder health and wellness.

*Regular bathroom breaks combined with purified water. Sound pretty counter intuitive doesn't it? My dog is peeing everywhere so I am just going to hydrate him to the max so he can flood my house with urine! I must admit this must be closely watched. My suggestion is to incorporate more outdoor activity, add either cranberry or raspberry juice to his water to protect against bacteria, filter all water to make sure impurities aren't contributing to the problem, and be ready to assist your dog when nature calls.

*Modifications in diet. Generally, dog foods are filled with preservatives, fillers, food colorings, and preservatives. While these four ingredients may not directly impact bladder health they may indirectly have an impact as a poor diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies as well as out of balance pH levels which can. A good rule of thumb is feed your dog a more natural diet free of additives and preservatives. While these types of dog food are more expensive they likely will be necessary for you to achieve success in your battle against dog weak bladder syndrome. Additionally, if you watch your sales closely, and use a coupon or two, you might be surprised how affordable this necessary change can be.

*Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies for dogs containing cantharis (soothes bladder tissue), staphysagris (support overall bladder health), and berberis (promotes proper bladder function) can do wonders for dogs who are experiencing bladder weakening. The homeopathic ingredients listed above also contain both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that will provide an extra layers of protection against bladder inflammation and bacterial urinary tract infection.

In conclusion, there are no easy answers for a dog with weak bladder syndrome, but nevertheless there are answers. I believe with dedication, and a little luck, most pet parents will be able to improve their dogs bladder function over time and halt this deteriorating condition before it becomes unmanageable.

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