Prepare all natural dog food for your pet so you will know exactly what your are feeding them. Recent recalls of deadly contaminations in commercial dog food has made preparing all natural dog food the best option for your dog's health. |Preparing all natural dog food is the safest way to avoid feeding poisons found in commercial pet food. }Home made dog food is safe and free of chemicals and preservatives. To see a good home made dog food recipe book available online Click Here!Use the same nutritious all natural fresh food that your buy for yourself.Just imagine being able to give your dog added healthy years to enjoy without having to spend a forturne in commercial dog food.. This way you are sure to know what ingredients your dog is getting in his/her dinner every day.There are three main natural ingredients dogs need daily to remain healthy, happy and energetic. Meat of course is the number one natural ingredient needed. Starches and vegetables are also essential ingr edients in your dog's daily diet.{ Rice is a good wholesome choice for your starch, but also consider using pasta. There are many healthy choices of vegetables that are good for your dog, and by using trial and error you can discover your pets favorites. A healthy all natural mix of 40% meat, 30% starch, and 30% vegetables is the best way to get nutritious and well balanced meals to your dogs. When shopping for my family I buy the same wholesome foods for the human members as well as my canine friends at the same time.Always be aware of the foods that are potentially fatal to dogs. These include raw garlic and onions. Keep in mind also that raisins, grapes and chocolate can be harmful to your dog.Home made all natural dog treats are simple to prepare and you can control the amount of sugar and fat, so this will help with weight control also. Your dog will love you all the more when receiving all natural home made treats that are yummy, healthy and good for them. No unhealthy fattening sugar, fat or fillers, onlypure all natural ingredients. Knowing what goes in your dog's all natural food is the first step in making a healthy happy pet. There are documented reports showing that a lot of commercial food has unhealthy, inedible fillers and toxins in them. The meat used is considered unfit for humans. Click Here! to find out what they really put in dry dog food - it will make you sick. If you love your animals as I do you will truly be upset, as I was, and this is the reason I am promoting home made dog food.Consider the bonus of increased life span. That alone is worth switching your dog's diet to all natural home made. Extra years to enjoy the love and companionship of your best friend are the big payoff in the end. Check out my main site at: for all natural home made dog food recipes and home made treat recipes.
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