What Do I Need to Know About Dog Food Recipes? Introduction - Food - Recipes

By Marcus Twain

When considering the health of your dog, nutrition one of the most important that needs to be addressed. You should be feeding your dog home-made meals every day, if you want your dog to live a long, happy, and active life, free from the common health problems associated with modern dog foods.

Your dog needs a balanced diet that includes the proper nutrients for continuous growth, and tissue repair, just like humans. Compared to dogs who are receiving optimum nutrition, a lack of these nutrients in your dogs diet can cause stunted growth, poor healing after injury, as well as a shorter lifespan.

In your dogs diet proteins are one of the most important nutrients. They are important in structural makeup and are necessary for all aspects of growth and development as well as your dogs immune system. The proteins in your dogs body burns off as calories and can be converted to stored fat as well.

Fate is a very important nutritional requirement in your dogs diet, although the intake of fat is generally looked up negatively in the human diet world. Concentrated forms of energy are what fats actually are. To help your dog maintain a healthy coat and healthy skin, fat is needed for normal kidney processes as well. In your dogs diet as well, proteins, and fats, carbohydrates are needed. Your dog needs a clean source of carbohydrates that can easily be used for energy, since dogs are active generally anyway.

You as a pet owner can be fooled into thinking that pet food companies are supplying the very best nutrients for your dog in their brand of dog food. On the bags of dog food the listing of the protein level is not a listing of the percent of digestible protein. Between 70 and 80 percent is digestibility in quality food. 60 percent or less is lesser-quality foods, where digestibility has drop. Acceptable but not high in quality, are chicken by products or other meat by products, which are what many dog foods are made of. Poorer qualities of meat and therefore less digestible, on the other hand are meat and bone meat which are also used in dog food. Grains are not good digestible sources of protein either, if they are listed on the ingredients of the dog food label. Grains in dog food only contribute toward the carbohydrate load in your dog.

You are able to carefully monitor the nutrients you are giving your dog when are feeding your dog a healthy, home-made meal. With home-made dog food you can give your dog the correct portion size for their breed. You can steer your dog away from things such as preservatives, additives, and artificial flavoring by feeding your dog a home-made meal. Healthy foods such as, bananas, honey, peanut butter, vegetables, apples and pumpkins as well as nutritious meats like fresh beef, chicken, turkey and fish are among many of home-made dog food recipes you can make for your dog. Some dog owners simply understand that the manufacturers dog food in nothing more than processed, low-quality food sprayed with fat to make it more appetizing for your dog, while other dog owners choose to give their dogs home0made meals because their dogs, require diet, or have been diagnosed with a health condition or are in competition training.for more information go to forbetterdogfoodrecipes.com


