A Few Facts And Risks About Why A Home Made Dog Food Recipe Is Better For Your Dog Than Commercial Dog Food - Family - Pets

A Few Facts And Risks About Why A Home Made Dog Food Recipe Is Better For Your Dog Than Commercial Dog Food

The recent recall of over 60 million cat and dog food cans and pouches has sent out a wake up call. The commercialized dog and cat food that we thought was safe, isn't so safe after all. This wasn't the first recall and it probably won't be the last. The food that we've been feeding our pets everyday, has once again been shown to put our pets at a high risk of ill health and possible death.


The latest recall (March 07), was launched after reports of thousands of cats and dogs had developed kidney failure after eating these affected products. Many veterinarians and professional dog handlers have known for a long time that commercial dog food is inadequate in nutrition, is laced with poison causing chemicals and is the sole cause of diseases and deaths. Many further agree that these foods are filled with useless fillers, a very poor quality of meat and often times, disease infected meat.

While it's difficult to prove that this food processing method is to intentionally harm our pets, the fact remains that it is still a very life threatening process.

It's been said that before dog food manufacturers came into existence, dogs and cats had survived in the wild for thousands of years on their own. There is proof that wolves have lived in excess of 35 years of age.

The dogs and cats who lived in the wild, survived by living off of carcasses that included internal organs and contents of the stomach, which consisted of partially digested vegetation, all of which contained essential nutrients, which were vital for their survival.

Commercial Dog Food

There is strong belief that the preservatives used to extend the products' shelf life, along with the sweeteners and food coloring, cause cancer and many other health problems.

Most all of the dog food manufacturers use heat in the wet and dry food manufacturing process and whatever protein may be included, is either deficient, or is destroyed completely by this process.

The additives and preservatives in the form of chemicals that are also used to improve the taste, stability, characteristics and appearance of the food, provide absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. The meat by- products that are used, are animal scraps that the FDA has deemed unfit for human consumption.

These scraps include feet, lungs, heads, spleens, intestines, ligaments and other miscellaneous parts.

When reading the label, you might be under the impression that it contains whole meat, but it's actually the parts that no one else has any use for and is most generally the backs and necks as well as other unwanted parts.

The chunky bits that appear as meat are actually wheat gluten, a totally meatless product. A popular filler that is used is corn. Corn is something that dogs just cannot digest at all.

Suppliers of animal feed from China have admitted that for years they have been spiking shipments to the pet food companies in the United States to make it appear as though the food was of a high quality protein.

Home Made Dog Food Diet

Dogs thrive on whole natural foods just like humans do. Dogs, just like everyone else, also have specific nutritional needs. Dogs do not need many carbohydrates to be healthy, so a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein is an ideal diet.

Most dogs love vegetables, especially when cooked and also have a fancy for fruits, although avocados, grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs.

Foods with a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, help to improve their joint and skin health. Foods with a moderate protein content are best for non-working type dogs. Foods with meat, being the source of protein, are best. Racing dogs and lactating mother dogs should have diets of one-third protein content as well.

In comparison with other animals, dogs produce a much lower amount of vitamin C. Dogs do need vitamin C and it plays a vital role in hip dysplasia (abnormal growth or development), which is a common problem with today's dogs. Vitamin C is needed to break down the animal protein in the diet and also helps to keep the immune system healthy.

A healthy dogs diet consists of 40% meat, 30% protein and 30% starch. A balanced, proper diet keeps your dog healthy and among so many other benefits, helps to maintain a smooth and shiny coat.

Healthy teeth are also the result of a good diet.


A happy dog is a healthy dog. With a simple change in your pets diet, not only will you begin seeing positive results immediately, but you'll also save money from unnecessary veterinarian bills. But the most important part of it all, is that you will be saving your dogs life. Your pet will live a much longer and healthier life. Everything they do, from taking a lazy afternoon nap, to playing hard, is determined by what you feed them.

To learn which foods are the most healthiest for your pet and to also discover how you can quickly and easily prepare healthy meals that will insure your pets longevity and maintain a lifetime of health, Click Here and discover the many homemade dog food recipes that you can begin preparing right from your own kitchen.

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