Raw Dog Food Keeps Your Pet In Top Shape - Home

The relationship between dogs and human beings goes back thousands of years and they have always had a co-dependent partnership. In exchange for protection and sometimes livestock work, dogs have been rewarded with food and human companionship. Human life today is less stressful than it was in the past and so dogs are usually taken in for their love and protection. For many people, dogs are a part of the family and are showered with affection. The pet related industry has blown up in the past twenty years and includes a variety of accessories including clothing, as well as specialized diets like a raw dog food.

The variety of diets that are available to consumers is a testament to the fact that people are understanding that diet is important. Indeed, in terms of the human diet we are now discovering the downside to cheap and factory made foods. The finger of blame, and much scrutiny is being pointed toward the corn industry.

The increase in obesity and cancer rates have been linked to the overconsumption of corn products and this is due to their high content of omega-6 fatty acids. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 was traditionally equal, but there is a gross inequality in that ratio today that skews toward omega-6.

While humans must eat omega-6, they must also eat omega-3 and the ratio of the two is now skewed toward an overconsumption of omega-6 acids. This products ubiquity has been linked to both the obesity and cancer epidemics. While there is a large amount of evidence to point to its influence no changes are being done to change food production.

For dog owners who are concerned about their pet's long term health, diet is one of the most important purchases they can make. Most dog foods on the market are a mix of ingredients with corn or corn by-products being the largest component. This can be shocking for owners who are accustomed to believing that their dogs are eating meat.

Owners want their dogs eating meat and indeed, that is what nature would prefer which is why raw dog food has become so popular. The change to raw diet can help the health of your dog in ways you would not expect. In terms of something as commonplace as stool, owners are shocked to see that it changes to being smaller, harder, less copious, and above all, not smelly.

With a high functioning digestion stool is neither copious or particularly foul smelling. Raw food results in smaller and harder stool without the bad smell. This is because of the high quality ingredients and indeed the only ingredients are meat, fruits and vegetables, and supplements.

The fruits and vegetables are all organic and the meats are raised under hormone and steroid free conditions. The finest ingredients do come with a higher price, but eating right means giving more thought and money to the process.

While quite different in price the benefits to your pet are incalculable. A diet that is closest to what would be found in nature is the best for human and pet alike.

Jamie is a canine health professional who specializes in natural dog diets.

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