Nutro Dog Food Review - Other

Nutro Dog Food Review:One of the most startling things we have encountered in our review of the commercial dog food industry is the fact that many, if not most, commercial dog foods are quite possibly toxic, and dangerous for your dogs! One of the most disturbing revelations we encountered was the fact that many dog food makers use DEAD, EUTHANIZED pets and zoo animals, as sources for their dog foods! The consumer-public does not appear to be aware of this problem, and the reason is no surprise.Many dog foods have names like Nutro Dog Food and Only Natural, for example, which sound very healthy (these brand names are trademarks, and we are not associated with any dog food maker.) It is not uncommon to see words like "preservative-free" or "natural" or "healthy" on the packaging of commercial dog foods.In fact, the dog food industry spends millions of dollars every year in an effort to convince the public that their dog foods are healthy. In addition, we found that the dog food industry regularly lobbies to Congress and the FDA to AVOID having to clearly label the source of the components of their dog foods! This shocked us, because if the dog food is actually healthy, then why the need to maintain the ability to use uncommon and lengthy scientific names in their ingredient list? (You can view a comprehensive report on the commercial dog food industry by clicking this link: Nutro Dog Food and Complete Dog Food Review.We want to find out what is really in our dog's food, so we launched an investigation. Following is our review of Nutro Dog Food. More reviews are to come! Again, we are only revealing the information that they have already publicly disclosed on their website, to see if we can make sense of it. We are NOT indicating an opinion one way or the other, whether or not this food is healthy. (For the full investigative report, click here: Nutro Dog Food and Dog Food Review.)We found descriptive words like "Natural Nutrition," "Ultra-Holi stic Nutrition," and "Super-Premium," to describe their dog foods. Regarding ingredients, Nutro Dog Food lists "natural ingredients with added vitamins and minerals," and also "real chicken protein or real beef protein." They also declare that their dog foods do not contain "artificial" preservatives, flavors, or colors. So far, so good. It appears that this dog food may be quite healthy for dogs! The ingredients list does not seem to contain anything harmful or bad for dogs. The inclusion of "ground whole wheat" and "dried kelp" leads us to believe that Nutro Dog Food is probably one of the healthy dog food brands on the market. The bottom line is that there is really no way that the average consumer can know what's in their dog's food. Profit and making money are the main goals of any public company. We believe it is the obligation of all responsible dog-owners to make sure they are aware of what's really in the food that they feed to their dogs!Responsible dog-owners can learn more about Nutro Dog Food and other Dog Food Reviews at Dog Central.

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