Find the Right Pork Dog Chew for Your Pet

Have you ever thought about getting a pork dog chew toy for your pet? There are all kinds of great reasons to make sure that your dog has plenty of chew toys, and if these toys smell and taste like meat, they are actually going to use them. When dogs are trained to use chew toys, it is going to save you a lot of money in the long run, because you won't be replacing so many pairs of chewed up shoes, and you won't have to replace or refinish furniture that has been destroyed because your dog chews on it. Pork chews are great because they are a combination of a toy and food, two things that dogs seem to love more than anything else.
In a Pig's Eye (Well, in this Case, Ear)
There are all kinds of pork chews that dogs love, and one type that is really popular is the pig's ear. These are actual pigs' ears that have the fur removed and have been allowed to dry out. Most of the pigs' ears you can get in the United States are safety inspected, meaning that they are perfectly safe to give to your beloved pets. It is important to remember that these treats do contain a lot of fat, so they may not be the best choice to give to a dog that is overweight. You also need to make sure that you keep pigs' ears away from food serving and preparation areas. These treats should be given in moderation, as eating too much can cause your dog to have loose stools.

Other Types of Dog Treats Made with Pork
Bones are not the only type of pork dog chew available. There are many different things you can get for your pet that he will really love to chew. For instance, there are chewy pork-flavored treats that dogs love, and there is even spaghetti, which is made by hand-processing pig intestines. Go online or visit your local pet store today to see all of the various treats that are available for dogs and other pets.
Make Your Own Pork Chews
You can make your own pork dog chew and save a lot of money. The easiest way is to give your dog the bone from your pork roast or pork chops. He will be getting all of the nutritional benefits that are in the meat (especially if you leave a lot of meat on the bones for the dog), and he will have something to chew on that he actually likes the taste of. Remember not to give your dog bones from pork ribs, as they are smaller and can cause dental and internal damage.
Dogs need something to chew on, especially when they are puppies and are teething. Giving your pet a pork dog chew is a really good idea, not just because you will stop him from chewing on your stuff, but also because he is going to love it for the great taste.

