Dog Food Secrets: Man's Second Best Friend

If you are a dog lover, more so a dog owner and enthusiast, purchase and download your copy of Andrew Lewis' e-book, Dog Food Secrets. Since your furry best friend's health is undoubtedly of top priority, you might not want to miss this chance of being informed.

The Dog Food Secrets book is easily accessible after a 27 to 47 dollar payment depending on the type of package to be ordered. Once payment has been made, it can be downloaded, printed out, and read on the go. This book serves as a very good source of information what risks you might be unintentionally placing your dogs in.

Dog food brands and manufacturers claim premium health benefits but what consumers miss out on, Andrew Lewis highlights and thoroughly discusses. His book contains two important things. First, he explains the harsh truths behind dog food and how it can be harmful and even poisonous to dogs. Another, he explains how manufacturers get through this dangerous production seeming ly effortlessly and safely.

After losing his own dog to the dangerous effects of dog food, Lewis explains that while most consumers are lured by the benefits of feeding dogs with processed dog food, dogs' lives are shortened tremendously by the hazards these processed foods entail.
The many effects of these hazardous ingredients include early blindness, leukemia, behavioral disorders and many more. Chemicals have been included perhaps to provide better taste, or higher yet artificial protein content.

Dog food advantage claims could be enticing but Lewis says home cooked food could be just as enticing as well. He encourages dog owners and dog lovers to prepare home cooked meals for dogs rather than feeding them with processed dog food with no assurance of safe content.

To further encourage his readers, he included 23 home cooked doggy recipes. These Dog Food Secrets recipes are well assessed and well formulated to cater to dogs' health with its perfectly suited amounts of nutrients. Lewis says it isn't just about feeding nutritious food, but also feeding such at the right amounts. His recipes do just that.

Many dog food users consider Lewis' e-book as an effort to take down dog food manufacturers. These people bel ieve that dog food manufacturers are concerned with providing only the best and the healthiest products for their dogs. Andrew Lewis, however, proves that these manufacturers have escaped the responsibility of informing their consumers of this issue and have successfully hidden the truths behind this.

Many people grew skeptic about this, and as shown in numerous Dog Food Secrets reviews, a lot have been impressed and captured by how Lewis reports the harm in dog foods as well as how he informs of better ways to ensure a healthier diet and a longer life for pet dogs.

Having said all these, if you purchase dog food for convenience and by their health claims, it's high time you think again. Read up and get informed through the fully informative report by Andrew Lewis, Dog Food Secrets.


