Natural Dog Foods For Beagles - Family - Pets

There are many ways to keep your Beagles healthy. Feeding them with nutritionally balanced food is one way of keeping them healthy as well as happy. So what are these nutritious foods? How am I going to make sure that my dog gets the required foods essential for his health.

There are many issues regarding commercial dog foods, homemade dog foods and natural dog foods. The use of commercial dog food is very common to most dog owners nowadays. It is for the simple reason that it is readily available in most grocery and pet supply stores. All you have to do is buy a pack or two from your favorite pet supply store, open the package and pour the contents in your dog's food dish. Easy isn't it? Feeding your Beagles isn't that hard after all.

But then despite the convenience this type of food offers, you can not guarantee that your dog gets the essential nutrients his body needed. Some brands of commercial dog foods are recalled because it was found out that they contain preservatives. Dog food manufacturers claim that their products are preservative-free. But actually, almost all commercial dog food in the market contains ethoxyquin. A powerful and toxic chemical that can cause kidney and liver damage, hair loss, blindness, leukemia, cancerous skin lesions, fetal abnormalities and chronic diarrhea. The claim on preservative-free dog food is therefore one of the manufacturer's advertising strategies to increase sales and profit.

That is one of the reasons why more dog owners are switching to natural homemade dog food. With homemade dog food, you can be sure that your Beagles get not just healthy but also safe foods. The only concern with natural dog food is the preparation. Dog owners, especially those who are busy and have countless other things to do think that preparing this food takes a lot of time and effort. Seek for your vet's advice before anything else. You can ask your veterinarian for tips on how to prepare your dog's food easily and correctly.

Being a good dog owner is not just about playing with your dog, praising him for every good behavior or making him look good. A good dog owner ensures good over-all condition of his pet. Always remember to read product labels carefully. There are only few safe products you can give your dog. So be careful! Then, learn how to make healthy dog food. Generally, the food should contain 40% protein, 30% starch and 30% fiber.

Give your Beagles the right kind of food and expect him to live healthier, longer and happier.

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Healthiest Dog Food is Home Made - Family - Pets

Nature never intended for pets to eat dry food resembling compressed sawdust. This convenience is paid for in reduced pet health. Where is it written that your pet's food bowl has to be filled with chalk dry nuggets of quasi-nutritious ground up brown stuff? We've been sold on a bad idea because it makes our lives easier.With the advent of instant information, and the ease of research on the internet we can easily find out about the practices of the commercial dog food manufacturers. Some of these practices are downright sickening, others just plain dangerous to the health of our pets. Headlines and recalls about food that is tainted and contaminated have become the norm. Commercial dog food certainly does not seem to be the nutritious, healthy diet that we have been led to believe.Did you know commercial dog food has to be enhanced with sprayed on fat and flavors to cover up the chemical taste, to be even remotely attractive to your pet. Without this palatability modifica tion, I don't think the kibble would ever get eaten.Sometimes sugar is used in the form of cane, molasses or corn syrup to hook your pet. That way when he/she dives into to food bowl we feel a sense of satisfaction. They love it we think because they can't get enough. This then translates into it must be good for them, but of course it is not. Obviously processed sugars are unnecessary and foreign to animals, and just like us, can cause tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity.The newest alternative that has become mainstream for our pampered pets is finding all natural, organic dog food, made with fresh human grade ingredients. They are available, and are easy to find if you invest some time to investigate. Alternately, you can make your own healthy pet food. I make mine in bulk and freeze the appropriate meal size portions. Always keep in mind your pets nutritional needs, and check with your vet first.Dogs need specific amounts of meat, starch, and vegetables daily, as well as v itamins and supplements to maintain optimum health. They need to be slowly changed over to any new diet by slowly introducing the new food, and making sure it is properly tolerated. Any number of recipes are available through the internet, your vet, your local pet store, or even the old fashioned way, by going to the library. Once you have the knowledge you will not want to return to the unhealthy diet that has become the easy way out.We have been led to believe that giving your dog a variety is bad for them. This is certainly not true. You will get to know which foods are the favorites. Any animal lover who considers their pet a family member, which in today's society has become trendy, will feel much better about giving a healthy nutritious diet to their beloved pet, and extending their pooches life. Ultimately for our own greed as much as anything, this will give us extra years to share with a loved one. If you are a dedicated pet owner and your pets health and happiness are a priority, then you should consider giving him/her a well balanced, nutritious all natural diet, made by your own loving hands.

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Dog Food Ingredients Explained - What The Heck is Really in My Dog's Food? - Family - Pets

What do they mean by fillers?

Used in low quality, cheap commercial dog foods, fillers are basically put in the dog's "food" to save the manufacturer money, not to increase nutritional values. These include inedible and hard to digest products such as: cereal byproducts, - cottonseed hulls, - crushed peanut shells, - straw, - corn and crushed corncobs, - weeds, and - feathers.

A cheap dog food filled with corn fillers, listed as corn, corn meal, and corn gluten meal should be avoided as this is used as substitute for higher quality animal protein sources.

These fillers are not just unpalatable, but can be dangerous to your pet. They can cause digestive problems, allergies, and in immune deficient puppies or older pets can cause severe medical problems. .

What is a by-product?

Found in cheap dog food, meat by-products are euphemisms for parts of animals that wouldn't be considered edible by any smart consumer. Meat by-products actually do not contain meat. By-products are part of the animals that are left over after the meat has been stripped away from the bone. Thrown into the cheap dog food stew pot then would be items such as heads, feet, entrails, hoofs, entrails, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brains, stomach, bones, blood, intestines and lots of other parts of the carcass not fit for human consumption.

Also, the boiled down flesh of road kill, zoo animals, and 4-D (dead, diseased, disabled dying) livestock is considered okay with these manufacturers. This also can include dogs and cats that have been euthanized. Avoid dog food with blood meal, which is an inexpensive protein booster. The animal source is usually not stated, and the blood can be contaminated with residues of hormones, or medications.

What is a non-specific meat source?

If the main protein source is listed as "meat" this is to be avoided, It is always mystery meat such as: spoiled rotten meat from the grocery store (Styrofoam wrap and all), - Road kill that can't be buried on the roadside, - heads, feet, skin, hair, feathers, carpel and tarsal joints, and mammary glands are used from the slaughterhouses. Animals that died are used, cancerous tissue and all, - tumors and worm infested organs are also rendered. Injection sites are rendered, blood clots and all. Stomach and unclean bowels are rendered. Contaminated material including blood is rendered. Carcasses with high levels of drugs or pesticides in excess of limits prescribed under the FDA (not fit for human consumption) are rendered.

Everything is pitched into large vats and slowly ground, then cooked at low temps till the grease rises to the top. This is the source of animal fat listed in the dog food ingredients. The leftovers are put, raw, into a press where the moisture is squeezed out, and this is the "meat" used in the cheap dog food brands.

Why are artificial colors, preservatives and flavors used?

Flavor is added, because most pets wouldn't eat the finished product without some sort of cover up for the horrible smell. These additional flavors are usually from rancid restaurant grease. This grease sometimes sits in dumpsters, out in the sun for weeks. This is what the pet food manufacturers buy to add as flavoring, which is sprayed onto the kibble. Also sugar or corn syrup is used to cover up the bad taste of the inferior kibble.

Different dyes are used to make the food look good to us, the pet owner. The pet certainly doesn't care what color their food is, and the dyes are not necessary and are considered harmful.

Artificial preservatives are used to extend the shelf life of the dog food. The main ones to avoid are: BHA (butylated hydroxytolulene), propyl gallate, propylene glycol (also used in automotive antifreeze, and is suspected of causing red blood cell damage) and ethoxyquin. These are all potentially cancer causing agents that your pets are eating every day.

This all sounds pretty grim, but rest assured there are many extremely excellent, ultra premium organic dog foods now being manufactured without any of the above crap in them. These highly reputable and conscientious companies have philosophies aimed at providing you and your pet the best of the best when it comes to nutrition and peace of mind.

A lot of pet owners are also now making their own all natural dog food at home, and this is always better than the junk the commercial pet food manufacturers are feeding our pets. It is easy, and comparable in price to buying the premium organic dog food brands, as long as you use a proper nutritionally balanced dog food recipe. There are many all natural, healthy dog food recipe books for sale, and also readily available on the internet are all sorts of high quality dog food recipes E-books and websites featuring home cooked pet food.

Whatever you choose for your pet, remember we speak for them, and choose the best for them that you are able to give.

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Safe Dog Food: Your "Safe Dog Food" may be Killing Your Pet! - Home

The news has been filled with many stories about pet food manufacturers recalling their dog food because it was unsafe.

Reportedly some of the food was so tainted that many dogs actually died from eating it.

Do you wonder where you can find safe dog food? Try reading the labels on packaged dog food products and you will be left wondering. The labels are difficult to understand. That's because the pet food manufacturers, the giant food processors, and the grocery industry have lobbied hard to keep the FDA from clarifying the ingredients that your dog is eating.

And no wonder. Have you ever noticed a dog food label that includes meat meal? If so, did you wonder what meat meal is? Sounds pretty innocent. Meat meal. It's very concise. Meat meal.

Meat meal is a delicious stew that comes from rendering plants. Generally it is the rendering of animal carcasses that have been gathered from various sources. Euthanized animals that are picked up from animals shelters, zoos, and even county and state highway departments (that's right - road kill) comprise the main ingredients in meat meal.

Many of these animal were dogs and cats that had flea collars, I.D. Tags and were even wrapped in plastic bags -- all which were dumped into the rendering vats and turned into a rather unsavory ingredient blandly named meat meal. Does that sound like safe dog food?

Many vets and animal activists have warned that commercial dog food contains residues of the very lethal chemicals that were used to put the animal down.

Dogs and cats that eat this meat meal have been riddled with diseases of the liver, kidney, immune system, and other vital organs. Cancers are common and vets report dogs loaded with tumors whose life spans are cut in half because of the dangerous nature of commercial dog food.

Not exactly safe dog food.

There must be a solution to this terrible health risk to our pets. And there is. Dog food that is made at home with natural ingredients is safe dog food. Perhaps the idea of making your own dog food is daunting. But it isn't really. Making natural homemade dog food is a fairly simple, inexpensive task.

Pet owners that make their own natural homemade dog food generally make it in batches and freeze it. The ingredients are not expensive (can you say leftovers?), and using the right recipes can insure a balance meal for your pet.

Hundreds or recipes are available in books and on line. And all of them insure your furry friend is getting safe dog food.

The next time you fill your dog's food bowl, think about what you are feeding her. Why not try making some natural homemade dog food? Her health depends on you providing her with a nutritious, safe dog food that will extend her life.

You will be shocked and dismayed by the graphic photographs and revealing documents published in the commercial dog food expose: Dog Food Secrets Revealed

Why not feed your dog a healthy food you prepared at home? Homemade dog food can be prepared simply and inexpensively. To get free recipes, visit Natural Homemade Dog Food.

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Variety of Dog Food & Effects on Dog - Family

Variety of dog food has witnessed lot of changes in respect of the practices of the past and present day concerns of the dog owners in relation to finding best dog food to take care of complete nutrition needs of the dog. The present day dog owners have learned the benefits of feeding by natural dog food and both the dog owner and dog are happy about it.

Dog Food & Preparation:

In the past times a dog would eat any food to survive become adult and reproduce to carry on the progeny. The dogs which got good food were healthy and the others lacked health and just spent their life in search of food and their mate irrespective the specific health issues.

Dog Food Easy Availability Factor:

The present day dog owners' have the benefit of obtaining great variety of dry dog food, which is manufactured by reputed companies in their highly scientific manufacturing facilities deploying natural food resources, processing them scientifically and manufacturing wholesome and balanced dog food.

Some of the Food Companies are manufacturing dog food by using natural resources, it can be an ideal replacement to traditional natural dog food, which in present times is very cumbersome to prepare. Formulated dog foods are available at leading stores every where due to modern distribution net works, which provide user friendly solutions to dog owners a call or email away.Imbalanced Dog Food & its Effects:An imbalanced dog food is a root causes of host of diseases caused in dogs life like Cancerous growth, weak immune responses, liver disorders, overall sluggishness, frequent diarrheas, defects in heart and kidneys etc., which can be prevented. Dog Food Decision:Although it is always, good to prepare fresh food for dog, but this all requires a hard devotion and perfect knowledge about canine nutrition. A mistake most often happening is about if you prepare dog food providing only mutton to the dog, whereas calcium and other minerals are also to be included.Whether it is a puppy or a bit older dog requires a balanced food for its proper growth and healthy look and behavior, greatly depends on its nutrition, and being the dog owner you are responsible for it. Dog Food Awareness Campaigns:Dog food manufacturers promoted their various Dog Food Products by creating dog food facts and awareness campaigns, which has been received well by the dog lover's community and adopted the concepts of balanced nutrition for their dog's food.Still every thing has to be taken in its broad perspective and considered, what meets all the requirements for best dog food. Following are the available choices:Packaged Dog Food Products: These include the dog food stuff manufactured and marketed by reputed companies available locally situated supermarket stores, pets store or veterinary practitioners. It can be dry powder, semi dry and wet available in cans. Unfortunately there are some adverse reports in respect of packaged food, regarding worthless cheap filler materi als present in packaged food and the sources used to make dog food can be from diseased or worst dead animals, which can not be used by any other industry. Raw Food Stuff: Considering the convenience of easy availability and economically priced it receives great acceptance among group of persons who can devote their personal time in preparing and providing food to the dogs. Raw Food is comprised of bones with some mutton on them. Dog Food Using Home Resources: It is left over food having mutton bones and by reading recipes on the topic and preparing from materials usually available at home or procured from the market based the recipe you find in books or over the net. One can seek the advice of the friendly veterinary specialist in this respect. As with any living animal, dog's weight is comprised of 2 parts water and one part bones and muscles. So it is essential that the dog gets adequate water accompanied in food and otherwise for drinking. The need of water is weather an d activity based.Dog's energy Needs:

The energy requirement of dog is met through food, which varies with the body weight of dog. The dog food is the principal source of energy for the dog, which makes it possible to maintain their growth, maintaining of their body temperature being a hot blooded animal. Energy is also required for its fast running to chase some one in time of need and other metabolic functions including reproduction. A pregnant or lactating female bitch has higher nutrition needs than a normal bitch.

A smaller dog has higher energy needs, than a heavy weight dog, because in comparison to the weight, the surface area is of a small dog is greater, so body weight only is not the criteria for determining the energy needs in case of small dogs. There are other factors like, Age, dog's breed, gestation, nursing status of the dog.

The dogs' food liberates energy required through digestion process of proteins, fatty and carbohydrates being constituents of dog food. Carbohydrates and proteins liberate energy of around 4 kcal per gram and fats yield around 9 kcal per gram. The dogs' food also contains minerals and fibers.

The growth of a dog is very fast than even the human child hence they require variety of dog food instead of just food. If the dog food used is not balanced combination of Protein, carbohydrates and minerals, there can be very serious health problem of the dog.

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Natural Life Dog Foods - Family - Pets

Contain no chemicals and artificial preservatives. Natural life dog foods contain ingredients that are very essential for vitality and health of your dog.

Before you keep a dog, you should have sufficient knowledge about the type of food that you will be feeding your dog.

Proper dog food that contains essential nutrients is a must. Natural life dog foods are considered to be the best diet for your dog.

Natural life dog foods are nutritious and have a delicious taste. Your companion dog will definitely love the taste. Most veterinary professionals will recommend natural life dog food for your dog as hey made from high quality ingredients.

If your dog is allergic to soy, wheat, corn, yeast, dairy, beef or pork then you should your dog with natural life dog food products. Natural life dog food products are nutritious and are of premium quality.

These foods provide complex carbohydrates along with natural fiber. They also provide right quantity of omega fatty acid which promotes a shiny coat and healthy heart function.

Natural life dog foods contain the highest quality protein. These foods also contain wheat that is grown without using any pesticides.

Natural life dog food products never use artificial chemicals as preservatives. Only natural antioxidants are used as preservatives.

Dogs that are fed on natural life dog food have a lustrous, shiny skin. They are active and full of energy.

They look healthy. Natural life dog food is considered to be the best way to keep your dog healthy and fit. Natural life dog food products come in 8 lb, 20lb or 35 lb bags. These products are not costly and are affordable.

Nutritional needs of your dog will be definitely satisfied by these natural life dog food products.

Dogs who have extra weight and other health problems should try for weight management natural life dog food products. These products also contain less fat and protein.

If you are indeed serious about your dog's health then you must provide your dog with natural life dog foods.

Dogs especially puppies require protein for development and energy. Natural life dog food products are an excellent source of protein. Some natural life dog food products are specially designed for puppies with sensitive digestive tracts.

Some puppies are allergic to certain foods. In such a situation you should give them natural life foods.

Dogs that are fed on natural life dog food products are not vulnerable to diseases.

Even if you do is suffering from any injury or sickness, these foods will enhance the natural healing process. Natural life dog food will definitely make a difference in your dog's life.

All ingredients of natural life dog food products are fresh. There are no fillers, no chemicals and there is nothing artificial in it.

Natural life dog food ingredients include fish meal, chicken meal, carrots, spinach, apples and celery.

The ingredients are health promoting and truly superior. That is why these natural life dog food products are considered to be very safe and reliable.

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Choosing Healthy Dog Food For Puppies - Family

It is essential to have a special dog food for puppies especially in their formative years. As opposed to full grown dogs, puppies have unique dietary and nutritional requirements that can be better catered to by certain kinds of meals that are especially formulated for their life stage. As a matter of fact, most puppy meals have higher protein content than adult maintenance canine food because these proteins are crucial for their rapid growth and development. So, by now, you're probably wondering how you can be sure that you're getting the right pet food formula for your puppies.A walk-through the isle of local supermarkets and you'll find yourself face to face with wide arrays of dog food products intentionally marketed for puppies. But, as a pet owner, you must bear in mind that not all of these edible products are ideal for your pets' health. It is vital that you choose a special formula that would suffice the health needs of your pups so that they would grow properly and will enable them to sustain their energy levels. As a rule based on practice, it is suggested to opt for puppy meals that have no more than 25 percent of protein, does not have fillers, are especially tailored for puppies and their breed size, contains highly digestible protein sources rather than bone meals, have passed the quality standards of AAFCO, and are specifically recommended by your pets' veterinarian.The products manufactured by Honest Kitchen dog meals are sufficient enough to meet the nutritional and health requirements of your puppies. This dog food line is known for their unique approach to dog health and nutrition--all natural, delicious and raw dog meals that your puppies will definitely enjoy. All their dog food formulas integrate the wholesomeness of homemade diet packed with scientifically balanced blend of nutritious ingredients in easy-to-prepare packages, all approved by AAFCO. As they are committed to providing pet owners with the healthiest meal options for their pets, the ingredients and manufacturing procedures they use are 100% human-grade in quality.It is worth mentioning that two of the dehydrated canine food formulas produced by Honest Kitchen are ideal for puppies: Embark and Thrive dog meals. These formulas are intentionally designed to work for canine pets of different life stages including puppies, active adults, pregnancy and nursing. Embark is made up of low carbohydrate recipe that is full of vegetables, fruits and cage-free turkey and free from grains, making it one of the most referred meals by veterinarians as an addition to cancer recovery program for dogs. On the other hand, their Thrive dog meal is also low in carbohydrates and gluten-free, making it ideal for pets that have sensitive stomachs.Aside from their holistic dog food products, Honest Kitchen also offers a revolutionary treat called 'ice pups,' which is specifically designed with puppies in mind. Rather than the shaped gourmet treats tha t we usually see in the market, the people behind Honest Kitchen products made ice pups as a powdered mix that can be combined with water to create a liquid treat for puppies. This treat can be served as a warm broth during winter months, as a chilled refreshing beverage or freeze sorbet during the summer. Ice pups is made from dehydrated chicken, whey, Turkey, asparagus, watercress, parsley, dandelion and honey, which makes it a perfectly nourishing and delicious treat for puppies. Accordingly, this Honest Kitchen treat is not only beneficial for puppies, it is also highly recommended for canines with kidney problems, low appetite and are recovering from surgery. It is also acknowledged to increase palatability, which makes it an ideal reinforcement if you would like to transition your dog to a new diet.Of course, Honest Kitchen is not the only canine food company that offers premium quality meals for puppies. There are myriads of canine food brands that provide nutritional meals that could boost dog health and wellness. Before you hit the market for your puppies' meals, it is always best to discuss your pups' dietary needs with your veterinarian as he or she is the most qualified person to give you an advice about the type, serving amount and sometimes the brand that would befit your puppies. Nonetheless, you should also do some researching on your part to become an informed dog owner so that you can provide the best meals to your puppies that would warrant their growth and development.

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Pairing Up the Right Dog Food Size and Formula to your Family Pooch - Family - Pets

The formula and size of your dog food kibble does matter when it comes to your family pooch s health. The size of dry nuggets and even nutrient levels can vary greatly from brand to brand, particularly when the formulas are targeted to various size breeds. Understanding the breakdown will go a long way towards ensuring longevity for your dog.

Puppies Need Extra Attention

The size of your breed is a critical food feature no matter what stage your dog is in but the puppy stages are the most important. Proper nutrition at the onset will ensure your dog grows up healthy and happy which translates into fewer veterinarian bills. Most puppy dog food formulas provide nutrients necessary to support optimal growth but breed size is an important factor.

Medium to small size breeds are in little danger if the puppy food formulas targeted to their size promote fast growth but this is not an accurate viewpoint for giant and large breed dogs. It is important that the puppy formulas for large and giant breed dogs provide enough nutrition for good health but not so much as to cause fast growth because they could develop orthopaedic issues. In fact, large breed formulas often have a little less calcium and calories to prevent harmful growth spurts.

Adult Needs

Once dogs have reached their potential full growth, they need a maintenance formula tailored to their particular size breed. These formulas are tailored to offer specific calorie needs as well as metabolisms. For instance, small or toy-sized breeds need little pieces of kibble that are calorie packed and portion-controlled for at least two meals a day to maintain energy levels. However, medium to large breeds can handle larger pieces of kibble with fewer calories per serving.

Another thing to keep in mind is that large and giant breed dogs might also require special nutritional considerations because their body needs are different. Larger dogs are likelier to experience joint problems such as arthritis so they would need additional nutrients like chondroitin and glucosamine for joint and cartilage health.

Senior Dogs

Different dog breeds age at varying rates, although it is safe to say that heavier or larger dogs experience aging effects more quickly. Therefore, giant and large breeds may need to start mature food formulas as early as six to eight years of age whereas toy breeds may not need to make a formula switch until they are at least ten. Another aspect of mature food formulas is that they contain more nutrients, sometimes at higher concentrations than adult food. Antioxidants like beta carotene and vitamin E are important immune boosters and the glucosamine is still an important additive for healthy joints.

If you are confused by the choices available, it is important to talk with your pet s veterinarian to ensure you are purchasing the right dog food formula. Whether you choose dry, moist or canned versions, you are ultimately in charge of your dog s health.

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How to Choose the Correct Dog Food for your Family Pet - Family - Pets

In order to choose the best dog food for your family dog, it involves knowledge about the breed as well as determining their age, activity levels and some basic dog nutrition. With the plethora of food choices available to you, choices can become quite complicated so these pieces of information are essential. In addition, you will discover different formulas for puppies, senior dogs and even special diet foods for dogs with certain health conditions.

Nutritional Requirements

It is important to talk with your dog's breeder or veterinarian to determine the best diet for your pet. The average requirement for dog diets is 15-20% protein content and 5-8% fat content. However, this can change drastically, depending on your dog's breed, age and activity level. For instance, a small Pomeranian may require far less protein and fat than a working dog like an Anatolian or Siberian Husky. In addition, some breeds may have an intolerance for high levels of certain minerals like zinc or copper.

Another factor to consider is quality of the ingredients in the dog food. One rule of thumb is to avoid excessive fillers like wheat and corn because they are not adding enough nutritional content for a healthy lifestyle. However, you do want to choose food that has human-grade ingredients as this indicates a higher quality for your pet.

An additional thing to consider is the age and health status of your pet. There are special formulas for puppies, adult dogs and even senior dogs that may not be as active. Other options to consider are those that enhance certain qualities in your dog such as food formulas for healthier skin, better joint health or a shiny coat. If your female dog is pregnant or nursing puppies, perhaps a food choice with a higher nutritional content such as more calcium, fat, vitamin B12 and protein is necessary.

Allergies and food intolerances are another consideration to keep in mind while shopping for your pet's food. You will discover a number of brands that offer both wet and dry foods without certain ingredients as dogs, like humans, do experience food allergies and digestive issues.


Sometimes, it may take experimenting with dry food, wet food or a combination of both to find the best diet for your dog. In addition, some dogs like eating in the morning only while others prefer the evening. More active dogs may require their daily food allowance be split into two servings to provide steady energy throughout their day.

Besides arming yourself with nutritional information about your dog's breed and dietary requirements based on age and lifestyle, there are no steadfast rules in regards to dog food. Until you find the right combination, consider purchasing small cans or bags of food to avoid wasting money on something that you determine does not appeal to your pet.

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How Senior Dog Food Affects Your Pet?s Health - Family - Pets

The dog food you feed your dog should change as your dog ages. Some pet owners realise this and plan to purchase a fortified food for their dog as they age. The common belief is that a dog s body ages seven times faster than a human, meaning that a dog is technically 70 years old when they re 10. Since the average age of most breeds is between 10 and 15 years, it s important to start planning your dog s meals better once they hit the ripe old age of seven or eight.

Changing Your Dog s Food

In order to switch over to senior dog food you will need to gradually wean your dog off their current food. A dog s system gets used to one particular type of dog food, and when you switch over to a new food they may experience side effects. It can take between 7 to 10 days for your dog s system to adjust to a new type of food. Some people recommend feeding your dog the new food gradually, rather than switching over all at once. Others recommend switching over all at once so the system can start adjusting. You should speak with your vet about making dietary changes to ensure you don t make your pet ill. Your vet will also be able to recommend the best dog food based on your dog s age and breed.

How Senior Food Is Different

The main component in most of the food manufactured for senior dogs is the amount of added vitamins. Foods are designed to help with a number of health problems, and to prevent obesity in dogs that are slowly starting to become less active and have a reduction in natural metabolism. Senior food also has reduced amounts of protein, phosphorous, and a lack of preservatives. The food is designed to help the kidneys, liver, and heart function well as it ages. With the right type of kibble, you not only prevent your aging pet from gaining weight, but you decrease the stress placed on their organs that comes with having to digest high-fat, preservative-filled food.

When Should You Switch?

Opinion differs on this, but it s based on the breed of your dog. Smaller breeds are known for living longer than larger breeds, so larger breeds will need to start a senior kibble earlier than a smaller breed. You want to start the food before your dog shows signs of aging. Typical signs of aging include gray hair around the face, a decrease in movement, longer sleeping patterns, and a more relaxed demeanor than when they were younger. Once you start noticing these signs, it s time to start thinking about switching your dog over to a more appropriate dog food.

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